Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Community Asset Transfer

Community Empowerment aims to empower communities by giving them control over assets so they can work together to make better communities.

Part 5 of the Act, Community Asset Transfer came into force on 23 January 2017. The Act moves asset transfer from a voluntary approach by public bodies to one which introduces a right for community bodies to make requests for ownership, lease, management or use of publicly owned buildings or land whether or not they are available for sale or considered surplus to requirements.

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar – Asset Register

How to Submit an Asset Request to Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Draft guidance notes and forms for both Communities and Relevant Authorities are available from the Scottish Government-Asset Transfer and groups are encouraged to follow this guidance when submitting an asset transfer request.

Support and Advice

The Comhairle is happy to discuss prospective applications with groups prior to a formal submission

Community Asset Transfer Scheme: Evaluation Panel Template

Annual Reports

Community Asset Transfer Annual Reports


Assets and Infrastructure Section
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Sandwick Road
Tel: 01851 822679