Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Uist and Barra Residual Bins (Black Bins)

July – December 2024

TuesdayEast Geirinish, Rhughasinish, Loch Carnan, Iochdar,
Ardnamonie, Ardivachar, Ardmore, Creagorry, Liniclate, Torlum,
9th, 23rd6th, 20th3rd , 17th1st, 15th ,
12th , 26th10th , 24th
TuesdayEriskay, Glendale, Kilbride, Smerclate, Garrynamonie,
South Lochboisdale, South Boisdale, North Boisdale,
Kilpheder, Strome, Daliburgh Commercials, Daliburgh (West),
Rangehead,  Hacklet, Uiskevagh, Petersport,
Balivanich, Uachdar, Dunganichy
2nd, 16th ,
13th , 27th10th , 24th8th ,  22nd  5th, 19th3rd, 17th,
TuesdayStoneybridge, Locheynort, Daliburgh, Lochboisdale,
Garryhellie, Askernish, Milton, Kildonan, Bornish,
Howmore, Howbeg, Drimsdale, Stilligarry, Drimore,
Geirinish, Rangehead, Liniclate / Balivanich Commercials
9th, 23rd6th, 20th3rd, 17th1st, 15th ,
12th, 26th10th , 24th
ThursdayLocheport, Berneray, Clachan Sands, Vallique Lochportain,
Cheesebay, Blashaval, Minish, Lochmaddy
11th , 25th8th, 22nd5th, 19th3rd, 17th,  
14th , 28th12th , 26th
Thursday Langass, Clachan na Luib, Carinish, Baleshare,
Claddach Carinish, Grimsay, Island Flodda,
Gramsdale, Griminish, Nunton,
Aird, Muir of Aird
4th, 18th1st,  15th ,
12th , 26th10th , 24th7th , 21st5th, 19th
Thursday Clachan, Claddach District, Bayhead, Knockintorran, 
Balemore,  Kyles Paible, Paible, Balranald,
Tigharry, Lochmaddy Commercials, Hougharry,
Hosta, Sollas, Middlequarter, Grenitote
4th, 18th1st,  15th ,
12th , 26th10th , 24th7th , 21st5th, 19th
Tuesday Criochan, Brevig, Skallary, Leanish, Earsary,
Bolnabodach, Bruernish, Northbay, Ardveenish,
Ardmhor, Airport, Eoligarry
 2nd,  16th , 30th13th,  27th10th , 4th8th ,  22nd5th, 19th3rd, 17th ,
Thursday Shops, Hotels, Hospital, Castlebay School, Vatersay,
Heather Hill, Tangasdale, Borve,  Craigston,
Allasdale, Cuithir, Grean, Cleat, Northbay Inn
4th, 18th1st, 15th, 29th12th , 26th10th , 4th7th , 21st  5th, 19th
Thursday Glen, Garrygall, Ledaig, Castlebay Shops,
Hotels, Hospital, Castlebay School, Horve, Kentangaval, Nask,
11th , 25th8th , 22nd5th , 19th3rd,  17th 14th , 28th12th , 26th
Uist and Barra – Residual Black Bins Collection Dates Jul – Dec 2024