Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Gaelic Medium Education Testimony

Lauren Macaulay

Lauren MacAulay, who is currently on maternity leave, is the English Playleader at Sgoil nan Loch’s English nursery.  Her daughter, Bethany, is currently in GM3 at Sgoil nan Loch and Lauren explains why she made the decision for Bethany to enter into Gaelic Medium Education:
“Having worked alongside the Sgoil Àraich, I became aware of the many benefits associated with Gaelic Medium Education.  I could see those who entered GM1 becoming bilingual very quickly and it was an easy decision to enter Bethany in GME.  My partner is a Gaelic speaker, but I am not, but any worries I initially had about not being able to support Bethany at home disappeared as soon as she started school.  The support from her teacher and the valuable resources which parents have access to made it very easy.  I am now looking forward to baby Madison entering GME when she goes to school and I know that Bethany will be on hand to assist with homework!
I now see Bethany using it out with the school setting and can often hear her doing role play with her dolls in Gaelic.  Bethany recently earned first place at the local Mod in the P1-3 solo singing competition and she has gained so many skills and increased in confidence.  I can see how being fluent in two languages is a valuable asset and will give Bethany and Madison added advantages and opportunities as they progress through school”



