Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Ethel Eleanor Smith’s 100th Birthday

Ethel Elanor Smith 100th birthday
Ethel Eleanor Smith and Cllr Macleod

On Monday 10 June Cllr Kenny Macleod, Convener of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar visited Ethel Eleanor Smith on the occasion of her 100th birthday and presented her with a gift on behalf of the communities of the Western Isles.

Cllr Macleod joined Ethel’s family and friends at an events in the Lews Castle. Speaking at the celebration the Convener wished Belle a happy birthday and read the following biography to those in attendance.
Cllr Macleod, said:

“Ethel Eleanor Smith was born on 10 June 1924 at 6 Cannon st Islington London. Her mum’s name was Ethel her dad Henry and brother Jack. Growing up Ethel enjoyed sport especially netball and to this day watches the horse racing and football on tv. Ethel was also known to be full of mischief.”
“Ethel was an accomplished dress maker and trained under Norman Hartnel of London. Ethel made a dress for one of the ladies in waiting at the palace. Ethel was also a tailor and made all of her children’s wedding dresses. Jack her husband was in the choir at the local church where Ethel made the alter cloths and robes for the vicar.”
“Ethel married her beloved Jack on the 26.8.1945. The family still have some of the letters sent by Jack to Ethel during the 2nd world war. They had three daughters Margaret Jackie and Gill.”
“Holidays to the seaside were a big part of family life and Ethel loves going on picnics, mostly car picnics now. A special time was always Christmas where Ethel would have her only cigarette of the year and a gin and orange.”
“Ethel had 3 children 5 grandchildren,9 great grandchildren and 1 great, great grandchild. Ethel continues to be a comic, loves to sing a song or two and is the life of the party.”


