Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Council Tax Update

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar has this week issued the first batch of 2024/25 Council Tax bills. Households that do not receive a bill over the next few days, will have these issued shortly. The Comhairle would like to thank the public for their patience and understanding during this process.

The late issue of our Council Tax bills is a result of the cyber-attack on the Comhairle’s systems in November 2023. As well as delaying the issue of bills, the Comhairle has not been able to process changes to individual accounts and recognise that in some cases, the bills received will not represent the up-to-date circumstances of households and will need later adjustment.

The Comhairle is now in a position to commence work on implementing these changes and will continue to work through the backlog of changes over the coming months.

To allow the Council tax Team to dedicate as much time as possible to the processing of this backlog of cases members of the public are asked to refer to the Council Tax Frequently Asked Questions document before making any direct enquiries.

If you do not feel your question is answered by the FAQ document please contact the Comhairle through the dedicated Council Tax enquiry form.
Links to make Online Payments and setup Direct Debits are available alongside further information on the Comhairle website.


