Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Convener Reflects on Comhairle Meetings

At the meeting of the Comhairle on 1 May Cllr Kenny Macleod, Convener of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, reflected on a historic committee series that saw members meet on three islands.

Cllr Kenny Macleod, Convener of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, said:

For the first time since April 2014, we held service committee meetings outside Stornoway, 13 members and officers travelled from Lewis on Monday 22nd April by bus to Leverburgh and caught the afternoon ferry to Berneray. On Tuesday we held the Sustainable, Education and Audit Committee meetings at Cnoc Soillear. At both venues members of the local community were in attendance in the public area, that was also good to see. It was good for us as members and officers to see Uist and Barra, but it was even better for us as a Comhairle to be seen holding meetings out with Stornoway. The visits to Sgoil Bhaigh a Chaisteal, Quinetic, Baleshare Causeway and Scolpaig were very much enjoyed by all and again it was good to have seen the places we visited. It was a very enjoyable 4 days, and it will be a trip that will stay long in our memories. It was a positive exercise for us as a Comhairle and a great team builder for members and officers.

The Convener closed the meeting by suggesting that the meeting of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar scheduled for September should take place in Harris.



