Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Comhairle Outdoor Learning Manager Meets with Minister

Comhairle Outdoor Learning Manager Meets with Minister

The meeting was focused on giving Ms Don a flavour of the educational value of good quality outdoor learning in a residential setting. Tim was keen to ensure the minister understood the difficulties young people in peripheral areas like the islands face in accessing outdoor residential experiences. Its second focus was looking at how Outdoor Learning is an integral part of every young person in Scotland’s 3-18 journey through education. Tim was keen to stress how Outdoor Learning is an entitlement and its value for all young people across their time in education.

On the 13th March, Tim Pickering, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s Outdoor Learning Manager and current chair of the Scottish Advisory Panel for Outdoor Education (SAPOE) met with Natalie Don MSP, Minister for Children, Young People and Keeping the Promise. The meeting in Fort William was hosted by Martin Davidson and David Exeter at Outward Bound Scotland, they were joined by Nick March from the Association of Heads of Outdoor Education Centres (AHOEC) and representatives from Education Scotland.

After a tour of the centre Ms Don had the opportunity to meet young people and staff from Inverness Royal Academy. They were preparing for an overnight expedition including a remote overnight camping adventure. This was followed by a working lunch and discussions with the minister, her team and representatives from Education Scotland. Ms Don was keen to understand the value of Outdoor Learning and look at and hear the evidence of its value to young people on their personal development, resilience and attainment. It was felt to be a very productive meeting, with Ms Don leaving with a greater understanding of the value of Outdoor Learning and its place in Scottish Education.



