Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Category: Uncategorized

  • Sport and Health WIIGA School Sports

    On Thursday 30th and Friday 31st May Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s Sport and Health Team hosted Lewis and Harris schools for the Western Isles Island Games Association School Sports Event. On Thursday, Secondary school pupils from Sir E Scott and the Nicolson Institute competed in several events (Nicolson Institute pupils competed for their Houses). A total…

  • Belle Maclean’s 100th Birthday

    On Tuesday 14 May Cllr Kenny Macleod, Convener of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar visited Belle Maclean at Taigh Shiphoirt on the occasion of her 100th birthday and presented her with a gift on behalf of the communities of the Western Isles. Cllr Macleod was joined by Reverend William Heenan, St Columba’s Church Stornoway and Iain…

  • Soirbheachadh Sgoilearan Àrd-sgoil MhicNeacail ann an cuirm Dìleab: Morair Leverhulme

    Ghabh cuirm àite a-raoir (Diciadain 15mh Cèitean) san Lanntair, Steòrnabhagh, le tiocaidean air a son air an reic gu lèir. B’ e cuirm Dìleab: Morair Leverhulme a bh’ ann, an treas tè de cheithir cuirmean a tha a’ gabhail àite ann an 2024, agus bha sgoilearan Àrd-sgoil MhicNeacail an sàs innte. Bha barrachd air 40 sgoilear…

  • Stornoway Community Council Nominations Close on 21 May

    Electors in the Stornoway Community Council area are reminded that there is less than 1 week to go until the close of nominations (Tuesday 21 May 2024). The Comhairle is seeking nominations to fill the twelve vacancies on Stornoway Community Council.  In order to be established, a minimum of six valid nominations must be received…

  • Comhairle Seeks Clarification on Wood-Burning Stoves Ban

    The Comhairle is seeking urgent clarification from the Scottish Government around the potential ban on wood-burning stoves. Cllr. Paul Steele, Leader of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, said: “The definitions within the amendments to the Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004 are confused and confusing.  Comhairle officers have been seeking clarity around the regulation and we await that…

  • Vehicle Auction

    Range of Vehicles Auction For Sale By Offer Comhairle nan Eilean Siar is offering for sale, by bid via email, a range of used vehicles. Range of Machinery Viewing can be organised by appointment Marybank Depot, StornowayPlease note that this equipment may not comply fully with current Health and Safety regulations and all goods are…

  • Comhairle Outdoor Learning Manager Meets with Minister

    The meeting was focused on giving Ms Don a flavour of the educational value of good quality outdoor learning in a residential setting. Tim was keen to ensure the minister understood the difficulties young people in peripheral areas like the islands face in accessing outdoor residential experiences. Its second focus was looking at how Outdoor…

  • National Care Day 2024

    Comhairle nan Eilean Siar celebrated National Care Day 2024 with a drop-in event at An Lanntair, Stornoway on Friday 15 February. National Care Day is a national celebration of the care experienced community. The activity based drop-in event in Stornoway focussed on the role of “Corporate Parents”. When a child comes into care, the Comhairle becomes…

  • Lochmaddy Pier Opened

    At a ceremony in Lochmaddy Fiona Hyslop MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Transport today formally opened Lochmaddy Pier. The Scottish Government funded Lochmaddy Pier upgrade works, delivered by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, has seen the length of the pier extended and a series of improvements implemented.  The upgrade works have been completed as part of the…

  • Soirbheachadh so Sgoiltean nan Eilean Siar aig FilmG 2024

    Bha sgoiltean nan Eilean Siar air leth soirbheachail oidhche Haoine (23 Gearann) ‘s iad a’ cosnadh ultach dhuaisean aig farpais FilmG 2024.  Ghabh a’ chuirm àite ann an Glaschu agus bha Sgoil a Bhac, Àrdsgoil Mhicneacail agus Sgoil Lionacleit am measg nam feadhainn a ghlèidh nam prìomh dhuaisean. Choisinn Sgoil Lionacleit an duais ‘Roghainn FilmG…