Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Bus Services – 18 January 2024

Due to continued adverse weather conditions, bus services across the Western Isles are disrupted or cancelled.

Could all intending passengers please note the following update to bus services:

  • W1 Ness – normal service.
  • W2 Westside – service to resume at 13:05 Stornoway to Carloway and 13:45 Stornoway to Shawbost.
  • W3 – Normal service from 12:30.
  • W4 – Uig Normal service except 13:25 request to Stornoway cancelled.
  • W5 – Point service to resume from Bayble to Stornoway at 10:50 and 11:00 from Stornoway to Flesherin.
  • W5a – Back/Tolsta to resume at 10:54 from Vatisker/Lighthill and 11:00 to Tolsta.
  • W8 – Ranish normal service.
  • W9 – South Lochs, normal service.
  • W10, W10A W11, W12 and W13 – Normal service.
  • W16/W17 – Uist and Benbecula contact operator on 01878 700599.
  • W32/W33 – Barra services cancelled for today.



