Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Author: Robert Maclellan

  • Comhairle Welcomes NHS Engagement in Air Service Discussions

    Cllr Uisdean Robertson has welcomed NHS Western Isles discussions on the Stornoway to Benbecula PSO contract. NHS Western Isles will today hold a Special Board Meeting on the impact of the Benbecula to Stornoway PSO, which members of the public have been invited to attend.   In March of this year Comhairle nan Eilean Siar announced…

  • Notice to Mariners: Metocean and Floating LiDAR Buoy Deployment – Talisk Offshore Wind Project

    This notice is to inform that Green Rebel, an behalf of Magnora Offshore Wind, aims to deploy one (1) Floating LiDAR System buoy and one (1) Directional Wave Rider buoy at the Talisk Offshore Wind site, approximately 30km north of the Isle of Lewis for a minimum period of 24-months. Weather dependant, deployment of both…

  • Cunntadh Taghadh Choitcheann – Na Meadhanan Sòisealta

    Bidh cunntadh an Taghadh Choitcheann a’ gabhail àite ann an Ionad Spòrs Leòdhais, Steòrnabhagh, aig 10f air Diardaoin 4 Iuchar 2024. Mar as àbhaist, thèid fiosrachadh dà-chànanch a sgaoileadh beò tro dhuilleagan Facebook agus Twitter Chomhairle nan Eilean Siar agus thèid Facebook live a chleachdadh airson an toradh a sgaoileadh beò tro bhideo.                                                                             Duilleag X na ComhairleDuilleag…

  • General Election Count – Social Media Coverage

    The count for the Na h-Eileanan an Iar UK General Election will take place in the Lewis Sports Centre from 10pm on Thursday 4th July 2024 Throughout the evening the Comhairle will be providing live bilingual updates through Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s Facebook and Twitter pages. Facebook live will be used to provide live video of the…

  • By-Election; Na Hearadh Electoral Ward

    Malcolm Burr, Returning Officer for Na h-Eileanan an Iar, is reminding voters what they need to know to vote in the Na Hearadh ward By-Election. Polling Stations in Harris will be open from 7.00am to 10.00pm on Thursday 4 July 2024. Once at their polling station voters will be able to cast votes in both the UK General…

  • NTM 04 Re-Establishment of Permanent Light

    With reference to NOTICE TO MARINERS No. 08 of 2022 (DATED 24 JUNE 2022), notice is given that, on orabout 21 JULY 2024, the permanent light at this station will be re-established with the undernotedcharacteristics: NTM 04 of 2024 With reference to NOTICE TO MARINERS No. 07 of 2022 (DATED 26 MAY 2022), notice is…

  • Taisbeanadh ùr de nithean àirseachail a chaidh a lorg o chionn ghoirid a’ fosgladh ann am Beinn na Fadhla

    ’S e ‘Beatha agus Arc-eòlas Innse-Gallach’ an t-ainm a th’ air taisbeanadh ùr ann am Museum nan Eilean, Lionacleit, Beinn na Fadhla. Tha arc-eòlas san taisbeanadh a bharrachd air dealbhan tasglannach a thog an neach-dhealbh ainmeil Gus Wylie. Tha na dealbhan san taisbeanadh a’ glacadh sheallaidhean de bheatha dhaoine sna h-Innse Gall bho àm a…

  • New exhibition of recently discovered archaeology opens in Benbecula

    ‘Hebridean Life & Archaeology’ is the new exhibition at Museum nan Eilean, Lionacleit, Benbecula. The exhibition features archaeology alongside archival photos by acclaimed photographer Gus Wylie.  The photographs on display capture scenes of Hebridean life from a particular time and place. The exhibited archaeological artefacts are chance finds that were found locally by members of…

  • Careers Event for Sir E Scott Pupils

    Sir E Scott Pupils from Primary 4 to Secondary 6 headed to Tarbert Community Centre on Thursday 20 June for a careers event organised by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and DYW Outer Hebrides. At the event pupils spoke directly to employer representatives to learn about the varied job opportunities in their area and the different routes…

  • Postal Vote Update

    Voters in the Western Isles who applied for a postal vote will receive their voting pack by the end of this week. If you applied by 7 June your postal voting pack is in the post and will be with you soon. If you applied for a postal vote between 8 and 19 June it will…