Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Author: Robert Maclellan

  • Become a volunteer Children’s Panel Member

    Volunteer with Children’s Hearings Scotland (CHS) and make a difference in your community! CHS is recruiting volunteer Panel Members across the country to help support Scotland’s infants, children and young people. We are looking for enthusiastic people aged 18 and over who can show empathy, compassion and great listening skills. Panel Members are volunteers from…

  • Public Encouraged to Show Royal Regiment Support

    The public is encouraged to show their support to The Royal Regiment of Scotland as they are granted the freedom of the Western Isles at a ceremony in Stornoway this weekend, on Saturday 7 September 2024 at 12pm. The Freedom of the Western Isles is the highest honour that Comhairle nan Eilean Siar can award…

  • Another Successful Year for e-Sgoil Candidates.

    Last month e-Sgoil candidates from across Scotland who sat Gaelic & Gàidhlig SQA courses received their SQA results with an incredible 87% of the 92 candidates achieving a grade A. The 92 candidates (a mix of school pupils and adult students) were presented for Learner and Fluent Gaelic courses at National 5, Higher & Advanced Higher levels…

  • Sealladh na Beinne Mòire – Election  of Director

    The Returning Officer, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, is reminding eligible electors in the election of a Director to Sealladh na Beinne Mòire that ballot papers must be returned, in the envelope provided, by 4.00pm on Wednesday 11 September 2024.  Details of the candidates together with statements from each are available on the Storas Uibhist website

  • 2024-25 CLLD Fund Launched 

    The Outer Hebrides Community Led Local Development Local Action Group (CLLD LAG) have launched their grant fund. In total, £90,000 of capital funding is available and applications are now sought for sums in the region of £5,000-£10,000. Projects must contribute to the LAG’s overarching aim of ‘collaboration and Community Empowerment through inclusion, equality and diversity’,…

  • Maoin CLLD 2024-25 ga Chur air Bhog 

    Tha buidheann-gnìomh Leasachadh fo Stiùir na Coimhearsnachd Innse Gall (Outer Hebrides CLLD LAG) air cuairt-maoineachaidh fhoillseachadh. Uile gu lèir, bidh £90,000 de dh’airgead calpa ri fhaighinn agus thathar a’ sireadh iarrtasan airson suim mu £5,000-£10,000. Feumaidh pròiseactan a’ cur ri àrd-amas an LAG “co-obrachadh agus Cumhachdachadh nan Coimhearsnachdan (Community Empowerment) a leasachadh tro ion-ghabhaltas, co-ionnannachd…

  • Scottish Government Equalities Minister Visits Local Projects 

    Last week Comhairle nan Eilean Siar welcomed Kaukab Stewart MSP, Minister for Equalities, on a visit to the Western Isles. Ms Stewart attended meetings and visited projects with a focus on topics including repopulation, resettlement, employability and regeneration. On Tuesday Ms Stewart met with apprentices and employability participants from O’Mac Construction Ltd and heard how employability…

  • Benbecula Hosts ‘The Cry of the Curlew’ Exhibition

    Museum nan Eilean will next month open a conservation-focused original art exhibition ‘The Cry of the Curlew’ in Benbecula. The curlew is facing many challenges today. Climate Change, habitat loss, an increase in predators and changing landscapes have all added to their decline. The UK Curlew population has almost halved in the last 25 years,…

  • Corsewall – Establishment of Temporary Light

    Notice is given that, on or around 12 SEPTEMBER 2024, the existing permanent light will be withdrawn andreplaced by a TEMPORARY LIGHT. Related Documents

  • South Carr Buoy – Alteration of Position.

    Mariners are advised that, with immediate effect, the South Carr buoy station has been re-established Related Documents