Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Author: Iain

  • High Levels of Shellfish Toxin – Loch Luerbost

    Monitoring work undertaken on behalf of Food Standards Scotland has identified raised levels of shellfish toxins in Loch Leurbost Eating shellfish such as mussels, cockles, or razor fish from these areas may pose a risk to human health. Commercial shellfish harvesters in these areas have been contacted by the Comhairle and steps have been taken to postpone harvesting until algae levels subside. It is a sensible precaution to avoid eating shellfish from the loch until further notice.

  • Spiorad na Mara Windfarm/ /Passive Acoustic Monitoring

    Spiorad na Mara Windfarm Notice to Mariners 003 v06 15/05/2024Passive Acoustic Monitoring- Equipment Deployment As-Laid Positions The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) using the vessel Lochlann deployed a single Passive Acoustic Monitoring Device (PAM) on behalf of Spiorad na Mara Ltd (SNMPAM 01) on 11th January 2024. SNMPAM 01 was serviced on 11th May…

  • Stornoway Community Council Nominations Close on 21 May

    Electors in the Stornoway Community Council area are reminded that there is less than 1 week to go until the close of nominations (Tuesday 21 May 2024). The Comhairle is seeking nominations to fill the twelve vacancies on Stornoway Community Council.  In order to be established, a minimum of six valid nominations must be received…

  • Response to Proposed Withdrawal of MoveMore Funding

    Cllr Duncan Macinnes, Deputy Leader of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar has expressed disappointment at the move from NHS Western Isles to withdraw funding from the MoveMore Western Isles programme.  MoveMore Western Isles is delivered in partnership by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and NHS Western Isles and supports individuals living with one or more long-term condition…

  • Comhairle Leaders Attend UK Islands Forum

    Cllr Paul Steele, Leader, and Malcolm Burr, Chief Executive, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, travelled to Wales last week to attend the fourth UK Government Islands Forum. The event took place in Ynys Môn on 7 and 8 May, chaired by the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Michael Gove MP, with the agenda focused on…

  • TSB Branch Closure Response

    Cllr Donald Crichton, Chair of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s Sustainable Development Committee has responded to the announcement by TSB that they will close their Stornoway branch in September. Cllr Crichton, said: “This news from the TSB is hugely disappointing and a blow to high street, face-to-face services in the town of Stornoway.  I appreciate that…

  • Stornoway Community Council Nominations

    Comhairle nan Eilean Siar is seeking nominations to fill the twelve vacancies on Stornoway Community Council.  In order to be established, a minimum of six valid nominations must be received by the deadline below. Nomination papers may be obtained from the Council Offices, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, HS1 2BW and must be delivered to the Returning…

  • Cyber-Attack Information Shared with Comhairle Members and Local Organisations

    Comhairle nan Eilean Siar joined the Cyber and Fraud Centre Scotland to deliver cyber security information sessions to local organisations on 30th April at the Caladh Hotel, Stornoway. The well attended sessions gave public and private sector organisations an opportunity to hear about Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s experience of a Cyber-Attack, learn more about the…

  • Dà chuirm eile air an Ainmeachadh mu Choinneamh Dìleab 2024: Leverhulme

    Gabhaidh dà chuirm eile àite ann an Leòdhas mar phàirt de Dhìleab 2024: Leverhulme.  Gabhaidh a’ chiad chuirm àite anns an Lanntair air Diciadain 15 Cèitean aig 1930 agus bidh fiosrachadh a thaobh thiogaidean ri fhaighinn a dh’ aithghearr.  Bidh sgoilearan bho chlasaichean Gàidhlig AS1 bho Àrdsgoil Mhicneacail a’ taisbeanadh nan sgilean aca agus a’…

  • Options Presented for Barra and Vatersay Community Campus

    At a meeting of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s Policy and Resources Committee held in Vatersay Hall on 24 April 2024 Comhairle members were presented with 3 options for delivering the education and leisure elements of the Barra and Vatersay Community Campus Development. Last year the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care announced that the…