Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Asset Transfer Reports

Asset Transfer Data in 2022/23

Total Applications ReceivedNumber of successful applications determinedNumber of unsuccessful applications
Number received  and yet to be determinedNumber received prior to 2020/21 and yet to be determined
2023/2023 Applications

Asset Transfer Requests received which resulted in transfer of ownership, lease, or rights from your relevant authority to a community transfer body in 2022/23:

Name of Community Transfer Body, or community group that will take ownership, lease, or management of the asset.Date request was validatedDate decision was agreed to transfer the assetDate transfer completedFurther details
Transfer Requests received which resulted in transfer 2022/23

Asset Transfer Requests that went to a relevant authority appeal or review which were concluded in 2022/23:

Name of Community Transfer BodyWas the Asset Transfer Appeal/Review accepted? Why was the Appeal/Review accepted/refused? Please provide details of the asset transfer request and reasons for your decision.
Buth BharraighYesAppeal was accepted but group are appealing to Scottish Ministers against some of the conditions attached to the  transfer.
Concluded 2022/23