Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Comhairle Welcomes New Homes for Leverburgh

The Comhairle has welcomed the news that Hebridean Housing Partnership will be taking forward the development of 12 new social rented homes in Leverburgh, Isle of Harris. The new homes, to be located on Ferry Road, will provide a much-needed opportunity for the community, helping to address immediate housing needs in South Harris, as well as supporting the key issue of population retention.

The Leverburgh housing project is a critical project that the Comhairle has been highly supportive of and formed a key part of the Comhairle’s Strategic Housing Investment Plan.

In the present economic environment, the project has proven to be very expensive with all partners having to work hard to close a considerable funding gap.  The Comhairle was asked to provide £34.5k to help fill the gap and given the priority in the Harris community to deliver new affordable housing the use of the Harris Crown Estate allocation was considered appropriate.  The allocation of the funds is agreed through a local “participatory budgeting” approach in partnership with the Harris Forum. The Comhairle is continuing discussions with the Harris Forum to agree support for the project. 

The Comhairle would like to thank HHP for taking the lead role in what has at times been a very challenging project. The support and guidance from the Scottish Government’s ‘More Homes’ Division in Inverness has also been crucial to the shaping of this development. This project has also benefited greatly from the interest and involvement of the local community, who articulated their views on the areas housing need so well.

Cllr Donald Crichton, Chair of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s Sustainable Development Committee, said:

“In recent years we have seen significant private investment into Harris which has brought jobs and encouraged many to return to or remain on the island . For these positive benefits to continue it is important that affordable housing is made available. A development of this scale will provide huge benefits to the areas and provide further opportunities for individuals to choose Harris as a place to live and work.”


