Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Outer Hebrides Local Housing Strategy (2024-2029) Housing Survey

We Asked 

10 questions: 8 on strategic aspects of the next Local Housing Strategy such as its vision, the housing challenges that face our communities, things that could have a major and positive impact on the housing system in residents’ areas, the new energy efficiency standard, and what we want our homes and communities to look like in 2040; and 2 further questions to gauge which area respondents were from, and their age bracket. 10 questions: 8 on strategic aspects of the next Local Housing Strategy such as its vision, the housing challenges that face our communities, things that could have a major and positive impact on the housing system in residents’ areas, the new energy efficiency standard, and what we want our homes and communities to look like in 2040; and 2 further questions to gauge which area respondents were from, and their age bracket. 

You Said

There were 232 responses.  Over 80% of respondents confirmed that the vision of the current Local Housing Strategy was still the correct one.  We learned that the greatest challenges respondents thought their communities faced were connection with population decline, fuel poverty, the supply of housing, affordability issues, and the cost of construction amongst other issues.  Over 30% of respondents felt that the single action that would have a major and positive impact on the operation of the housing system in their areas would be to increasing the supply of housing.  Over half of respondents were unaware of how their home would be affected by the proposed new housing standard for energy efficiency, and over 76% stated that they would not be able to fund any additional works to meet the standard.  Respondents gave a range of views on how communities should look like by 2040 including energy efficient, well-insulated, affordable, sustainable, outside space to support food production, digital connectivity, hubs and options for home working, thriving communities with sufficient homes for all in a mix of tenures.  The responses were largely representative of each postcode area’s population.  Over 80% of responses came from individuals in the 24-44 and 45-64 age groups. Older and younger age groups were poorly represented.

We Did

Responses were analysed collectively and by postcode (island) area, the results were fed back to the Local Housing Strategy Steering Group, and a report will be presented to the Sustainable Development Committee on 23 April 2024.  The Housing Team will consult in Island areas in May/June 2024 and responses by area will assist with discussions. This will help to shape Local Housing Strategy outcomes.


A presentation of the results will be available with Sustainable Development Committee papers.


6 December 2023


17 January 2024

Contact Us

Angela C Smith
Housing Strategy Manager

Housing Services Team
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Sandwick Road Stornoway

Equalities Monitoring

Please complete the Equalities Form

This is used by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar to provide essential statistical information about who participates in our consultations.
The data is managed confidentially, is not personally attributable, and is processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act.


The Comhairle is preparing a new Local Housing Strategy. This survey will gather some information on the housing matters that are important to the people living in our communities, in the Outer Hebrides.

Why We Are Consulting

The Scottish Government wants everyone in Scotland to have a safe, good quality and affordable home that meets their needs in the place they want to be, by 2040. You can read about it in Housing to 2040

To help us work towards that, the Comhairle is preparing a new Local Housing Strategy for the Outer Hebrides and we want to ensure we take your views into consideration as we prepare it.

This survey will help us to gather some information about the things that are important to you when you think about housing in the area you live in.

What Happens Next

The survey will be available for six weeks. Once we have the results, we will let you know what they are, and we hope to hold some meetings throughout the Islands next year to discuss them further.
