The participating teams, Glasgow Gaelic School and Portree High School debated on the topic 'AI will save the Gaelic language'. Committee Room One at the Parliament was packed and the audience was treated to a lively, thoughtful and at times humorous debate.
Debating for the motion were Glasgow Gaelic High School and against the motion were Portree High School. Both teams had a busy day preparing ahead of the prestigious competition which was first held in 1999. Judges Iain MacAulay, Joy Dunlop and Angus MacLennan selected Portree High School as the competitions winners. The judges had a difficult task in reaching a decision as both teams were very strong. The prize was given by Head of Offshore Wind Development, Jennifer Snowball. Also up for grabs was the Best Speaker award and this year, the recipient was Finlay Morrison from Glasgow Gaelic School who was presented with the award by Iain MacLeod from BBC Radio nan Gàidheal.

Evelyn Coull MacLeod on behalf of the National Gaelic Schools’ Debate Management Committee added,
“I would like to especially thank the following funders: Spiorad na Mara, Bòrd na Gàidhlig, The Scottish Government, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Skills Development Scotland, Education Scotland, Glasgow City Council and Stòrlann Nàiseanta. After Portree High School’s success and an impressive level of Debate throughout the competition we are looking forward to 2025!”.
On behalf of the judges, Iain MacAulay said:
“As judges, we were delighted with the standard of the debate this year. Interesting topics, pupils well prepared by teachers and parents, teams from rural areas and big cities taking part and it is obvious that they all have a special interest and pride in Gaelic. Congratulations to Portree High School who won the competition. They really deserved it but the other three teams that reached this stage should be very proud of themselves too. They stuck together! Many of those who have been involved in the Debate over the years will say that it is fantastic for developing their skills.”
Jennifer Snowball, Head of Global Development, Offshore Wind, Northland Power added:
“It’s been our pleasure to support the National Gaelic Schools’ Debate for the first time this year, which so brilliantly showcased Gaelic as a crucial element of Scottish heritage. Well done to all of the teams who took part and for your hard work and dedication throughout the competition, and well done to Portree High School who took home the trophy.”
Pictures: National Schools Gaelic Debate Final 2024 Deasbad Gàidhlig Nàiseanta nan Àrd-sgoiltean 2024 28 November 2024. Pic- Andrew Cowan/Scottish Parliament
Image © Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body – 2024. Licensed under the Scottish Parliament Copyright Licence