Resilience Strategy

The Comhairle’s Resilience Strategy

The vision of the Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Resilience Strategy 2023-28 is that:

“The Outer Hebrides are resilient, with the Comhairle and our communities empowered to plan and prepare for challenges, and capable of managing adverse events to recover quickly from disruption, enabling our islands to flourish and prosper”.

The Comhairle’s proposed strategic priorities on Resilience align with our statutory duties as a Category 1 responder under the Civil Contingencies Act:

  • Working Together - Working together across the Comhairle, with Resilience Partners and our communities
  • Anticipating Risk - Assessing potential risks and our ability to respond
  • Preparing for Response and Recovery - Planning, training, and carrying out exercises in preparation for emergencies
  • Communicating Effectively - Fast and effective communication with partners, employees, and the public

Strategic outcomes for each priority are detailed in the draft Strategy, and an Action Plan is provided.

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