Business resilience is the ability of a business or organisation to adapt in the event of disruption. By improving business resilience through having business continuity plans in place, commercial enterprises and service providers should be more resilient and able to adapt to resume activities and continue to provide services in the event of disruptions.
As a Local Authority, the Comhairle has a legal duty to provide advice and guidance to local businesses and organisations on Business Resilience. The Comhairle delivers this through Business Gateway which offers a broad range of advice, support, and financial assistance to new and developing businesses. This includes activities ranging from digital support to business planning including assessing risks and making business continuity plans to enable businesses to navigate challenges as they arise. Business Gateway can be contacted for help and advice, applications or more information using the details at Contact Business Gateway.
Further advice on how you can prepare your business for disruption is available at Ready Scotland, which provides guidance on preparing for and dealing with emergencies.