Trading Standards

Trading Standards

Animal Feed Hygiene and Safety

We aim to ensure that all animal feeds within the Western Isles are of an acceptable quality, correctly labelled and meet the requirements of the specified feed legislation.

We aim to ensure that all animal feeds within the Western Isles are of an acceptable quality, correctly labelled and meet the requirements of the specified feed legislation.


Our authorised officers will routinely carry out visits throughout the area to check compliance with the specified feed legislation. This may sometimes include taking samples for analysis of feeding stuffs to ensure that they are wholesome and not harmful to either the animal or the human food chain. Almost all businesses involved in animal feed will have a level of responsibility to ensure appropriate standards are met and our officers may routinely inspect a variety of premises including:

  • feed manufacturers
  • farms, crofts and small holdings (including those who feed animals or mix feeds)
  • transporters
  • feed stores
  • food business (recycling foods into the feed chain)
  • pet food manufacturers (including small businesses making biscuit treats etc)

Feed Hygiene Registration

The Feed (Hygiene and Enforcement) (England) Regulations 2005 require all relevant feed businesses to register or be approved in some cases with Food Standards Scotland. Visit Food Standards Scotland for further information on registration and approval of feed businesses and the legal controls of animal feed in Scotland.

In addition, if animal origin products are used then it likely that approval by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) is required.