There are various Area Forums throughout the Western Isles. These are - Barra and Vatersay Area Forum; Harris Forum; Pairc Area Forum; Uig Forum; Dalmore to Lochganvich Forum, Ness and Westside Forum, Point Forum.
The Role of the local Area Forum is:
- to promote and grow the area’s economy and maximise the full potential of community and place
- to be a focal point for community driven ideas and solutions that will support reinvigorating the local economy
- to identify, take ownership of, prioritise and drive the delivery of new opportunities
- to make recommendations to the Comhairle, HIE and other agencies on how diminishing resources can best be utilized in support of reinvigorating the local economy
- to engage directly with key sectors to support the delivery of sectoral plans and priorities
- to assess all Crown Estate applications for their Ward area
Who is on the Area Forum?
The Area Forum group is made up of representatives from all community groups in the area.