Please note that there was an issue with our website which occurred just after this press release was first issued. We are pleased to report that the website problem has now been resolved. Please follow this link for more information about the Conference, and how to book your place.
A three-day conference ‘Saoghal Mòr Farsaing’, will be held at Lews Castle, Stornoway, from 30th September to 2nd October 2025. This event is being organised by Museum & Tasglann nan Eilean, part of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s Heritage and Culture Team, and will consider the theme of Outer Hebrides emigration from a range of perspectives.
The conference programme offers a wide and varied consideration of emigration – a subject so significant to the history of the islands. The first two days of the conference will feature a series of academic speakers from Scotland, Canada and the USA. Subjects covered will include chain migration, state directed colonisation, forced child migration, ancestral tourism and the artistic portrayal of emigration.
Some presentations will be through the medium of Gaelic with simultaneous translation for in-person delegates. This will include ‘Gaelic language and culture in Nova Scotia: a’coimhead air n-ais, is a’ coimhead air adhart’ and ’S e Crìoch Gach Comunn Dealachadh: Contextualising the experiences of the emigrant Gael through their poetry and song’.
Other subjects discussed will be the living traditions carried through language, culture and music, today’s understanding of the effect of migration on human psychology and relationships with the Peoples whose lands were settled.
The keynote address will be delivered by University of Aberdeen Professor Marjory Harper who is also a renowned author of several books on the subject of Scottish diaspora and emigration.
We are delighted that three academics from the University of Alberta, whose research is focused on the fur trade, have received funding to attend the conference in person. We look forward to welcoming them to the Outer Hebrides and exchanging ideas and research.
On the third day in-person delegates will have the option of three field trips to community venues and sites in the isle of Lewis connected to emigration, arranged in partnership with Outer Hebrides Heritage Forum members.
Delegates can attend the event in person, or the conference will also be accessible online. There will be a mix of in-person and virtual speakers allowing for input from overseas.
The conference has received funding from Museum Galleries Scotland and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar/Crown Estates, with venue sponsorship from Together Travel.
Cllr Kenny Macleod, Convener of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar said:
“Saoghal Mòr Farsaing will be an important and informative event marking a crucial aspect of island history. This conference will tell the story of the impact and legacy of emigration over hundreds of years.”
Details of the full programme and how to book.
Alternatively, this QR code takes you directly to the booking system:

Please note: Delegates who will be travelling to the Outer Hebrides to attend the event are advised to book travel and accommodation early to avoid disappointment. A 10% Early Bird Discount is available on all tickets purchased before 31 March.
The conference ties into Emigration themed exhibitions which are taking place at both Museum nan Eilean Stornoway and Museum nan Eilean Benbecula this summer. More information on these will be available soon.