Enrolment forms for all stages can be accessed at:
Gaelic First
The Comhairle supports and promotes Gaelic Medium Education for all learners and operates a ‘Gaelic First’ policy in all settings, making the default enrolment position to be into Gaelic Medium Education. Parents and carers can choose to opt out to English Medium Education within the enrolment form.
You can find out more about Gaelic Medium Education by speaking to staff at your school or centre or by visiting www.foghlamgaidhlig.com (text available in Gaelic and English).
Enrolment to Sgoil Àraich/Nursery
Enrolment is open for the 2025-26 session and free nursery places are available for children who:
- are 4 years of age and are not currently registered with a nursery;
- will be 3 years of age between 1 March 2025 and 28 February 2026;
- will be 2 years of age between 1 March 2025 and 28 February 2026 and whose parent(s)/carer(s) are in receipt of certain qualifying benefits.
Eligibility for early learning and childcare throughout the year is as follows:
- From the Autumn Term (Aug - Dec) - children born between 1 March and 31 August
- From the Spring Term (Jan - March) - children born between 1 September and 31 December
- From the Summer Term (April - June) - children born between 1 January and 28 February
All eligible children will have the choice of a term-time place of up to 30 funded hours per week (for 38 weeks of the year) or a full-year place of up to 22.5 funded hours per week (for 50 weeks of the year) dependant on availability.
Parents wishing to enrol in nursery provision should approach that centre and staff will advise about the enrolment arrangements for that location.
Enrolment to Primary One
Children who will be four years-of-age by 28th February 2025 are eligible for P1 enrolment. Parents and carers who wish to enrol their child(ren) are requested to do so no later than Friday 7th March 2025.
Deferred Entry to P1 - Changes to enrolment rules that came into effect from August 2023 mean that any child that is not yet five years of age by the start of the term on 15th August 2025 will be eligible to apply to defer entry to P1 and receive another year of funded pre-school provision, then subsequently enrol next year for P1 for August 2025.
If parents/carers are considering deferral of a child’s entry to school, they should discuss this with the child’s early years provider in the first instance to allow consideration of the child’s readiness to enrol in school. A deferred entry application form must then be completed to initiate the deferral process. Forms can be requested from your early years setting.
Enrolment to Secondary One
An S1 enrolment form must be completed no later than Friday 7th March 2025 for all children that will be completing P7 by 28th June 2025. Transition of enrolment from primary to secondary is not automatic and a new enrolment is required for the designated secondary school before a pupil can be accepted on roll.
Placing Requests - Out of Catchment Enrolment
In addition to the main enrolment form, parents and carers who wish to apply for a place at a school other than their local catchment school are required to complete and submit a Placing Request Online Form. This must be submitted no later than 14th March 2025. Any out-of-catchment enrolments submitted via this form will continue to be considered provisional until receipt of an approved placing request application. If you are unsure about the catchment area of your proposed school, please contact the school office and they will be able to advise.
The Placing Request Form can be accessed on the enrolment pages via the above link.