About CLD

Find out more about Community Learning and Development, its values, ethics and competency.

Values, ethics and competences

Community Learning and Development (CLD) is a value-based practice. CLD professionals have committed themselves to the values of self-determination, inclusion, empowerment, working collaboratively and promotion of learning as a lifelong activity. See the full statement of values.

The Code of Ethics for CLD developed by the CLDSC working with the field, enables practitioners to apply these values to the decisions they need to make.

The CLD Competence framework describes the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in CLD practice.

The Values, Code of Ethics and Competences provide the basis for CLD professional practice that happens in varied settings across the public and third sectors.

The Statutory Basis

The main statutory basis for CLD is provided by The Requirements for Community Learning and Development (Scotland) Regulations 2013.

Other relevant legislation includes the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act, 2015.

What does CLD involve?

Across all areas

CLD is delivered in diverse settings and sectors, by practitioners with a wide variety of job titles and volunteer roles, working with people of all ages. This includes (but is not necessarily limited to –

  • Community Development (building the capacity of communities to meet their own needs, engaging with and influencing decision makers);
  • Youth Work, family learning and other early intervention work with children, young people and families;
  • Community-based Adult Learning, including adult literacies and English for speakers of other languages (ESOL);
  • Learning for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in the community, for example, people with disabilities, care leavers or offenders;
  • Working with individuals and communities to improve their health and wellbeing;
    Volunteer development;
  • Learning support and guidance in the community.

Looking at key contexts

Adult Learning

Raising standards of achievement in learning for adults through community-based lifelong learning opportunities incorporating the core skills of: literacy, numeracy, communications, working with others, problem-solving, information communications technology (ICT)

More information about national community based adult learning policy can be found in the Adult Learning Strategy 2022 -2027 on the Scottish Government website or at Learning Link Scotland, the national intermediary for voluntary sector adult learning organisations in Scotland.

Youth Work

Engaging with young people to facilitate their personal, social and educational development and enable them to gain a voice, influence and a place in society.

More information about national youth work policy, legislation, research, networks and practice can be found in the Working with young people, children and families section of the Education Scotland website and at YouthLink Scotland, the national agency for youth work in Scotland.

Community Development / Building Community Capacity

Building community capacity and influence by enabling people to develop the confidence, understanding and skills required to influence decision making and service delivery. More information about capacity building can be found in the section of the Scottish Government website dealing with community engagement/empowerment.

A useful guide to community development are available from the Community Development Alliance Scotland website.

Community learning and development (CLD) has a powerful impact on the lives of learners and communities, supporting them to identify and work towards change. Whether that change takes place in an individual’s life, helps to create a resilient and enterprising community or contributes to better public services in a changing landscape, Scotland has a need for successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors working together to build a shared future.