Work in Homecare and Reablement

Find a job, gain a qualification, and build a life in the Western Isles with Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s Homecare and Reablement team.

Qualifications and Salary

if you would like to make a difference in the lives of people living across the Western Isles this post could be for you. This is an extremely rewarding role and is highly valued by the recipients of the service and the wider community.

Get Qualified and Receive a Salary Rising to £29,000

New employees to the service will start as a Homecare and Reablement Assistant, Grade D (£24,501 – £25,581).  Employees will be supported to undertake and achieve an SVQ II in Health and Social Care within 6 months from commencing in post.

if you would like to make a difference in the lives of people living across the Western Isles this post could be for you. This is an extremely rewarding role and is highly valued by the recipients of the service and the wider community.

Get Qualified and Receive a Salary Rising to £29,000

New employees to the service will start as a Homecare and Reablement Assistant, Grade D (£24,501 – £25,581).  Employees will be supported to undertake and achieve an SVQ II in Health and Social Care within 6 months from commencing in post.

On achieving their SVQ II and on completion of all mandatory training employees will progress to a Homecare and Reablement Worker, Grade E (£26,218 – £29,034, pro rata).

Successful candidates who already hold an SVQ II in Health and Social Care can be fast tracked, on completion of all Comhairle specific mandatory training, to a Homecare and Reablement Worker.