Working towards a New Development Plan

Planning for the future of our islands

Evidence Report

The first stage of preparing the Local Development Plan is the Evidence Report, which sets out a summary of the information gathered on a number of issues including housing, health needs and infrastructure.  The information provided will be used to inform the Local Development Plan ensuring that it is based on the future planning needs of the Outer Hebrides.

The first stage of preparing the Local Development Plan is the Evidence Report, which sets out a summary of the information gathered on a number of issues including housing, health needs and infrastructure.  The information provided will be used to inform the Local Development Plan ensuring that it is based on the future planning needs of the Outer Hebrides.

As part of gathering the information for the Evidence Report, there is a requirement to carry out community engagement with members of the public, various groups and stakeholders.  Further information on these engagement activities will be published on the website and social media.  Please email the team at if you would like to find out more, be added to our mailing list or be kept updated on the process.