EIA Scoping Opinion Consultations

EIA Scoping Opinion Consultations

These are requests for environmental opinions made to Scottish Ministers, usually the Energy Consents Unit under S36 or S37 of the Electricity Act or to Marine Directorate for a Marine Licence or to Transport Scotland for a Harbour Revision Order, in respect of which the Comhairle is a statutory consultee. These Opinions are typically in relation to national or major scale development to be determined by various Government Departments on behalf of Scottish Ministers.


24/00024/CONSG – EIA Scoping Opinion – Grimshader Wind Farm Proposal – ECU00005010

24/00023/CONSG – EIA Scoping Opinion – Heastabhal Wind Farm Proposal – ECU00005011

23/00453 Spioraid Na Mara Windfarm, Lewis – (Onshore and Offshore)

24/00185/HROSCO - Deepwater South, Stornoway Harbour Revision Order Scoping Request

24/00191/MLCON - Stornoway Deepwater South, Marine Licence Consultation Scoping Request