Extant Lists

Extant Lists - Applications and Proposal of Application Notices

Extant List (Applications)

The Extant List (Part 1) contains details of applications which are live applications and pending consideration. This list is statutory and contains only applications for planning permission, planning permission in principle and matters specified in conditions. It does not contain other types of application or notification for which the planning authority is a statutory consultee or the determining authority.

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Extant List (Proposal of Application Notices)

The Extant List (Part 2) contains details of all live Proposal of Application (PAN) Notices. These are a statutory requirement for development proposals in the category of National or Major development.  These notices advise how a developer intends to engage with the community about their proposal, pre-application.  These are not planning applications.  A Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) requires to be submitted to the Planning Authority by a prospective applicant or developer, at least 12 weeks before any application for planning permission can be submitted.  The developer is required to advertise and undertake at least two public consultation events relating to the proposed development.