Customer Charter and Performance Indicators

Information on the Customer Charter and Performance Indicators


The building standards customer charter has been embedded in all verification services since 2012. It demonstrates the shared commitment to service levels and a consistent standard of quality across all verifiers.

The Building Standards Customer Charter sets out the customer service standards that you can expect when you interact with Building Standards. It explains how to give feedback, which helps to shape and improve our services, as well as what to do if things go wrong and you wish to make a complaint.

Where the customer may have concerns about the performance of the verifier, for example around delays in turnaround times or communication. The customer may report their performance concerns to the Scottish Government Building Standards Division for investigation.


Annual Performance Report

The purpose of the annual performance report is to enable Verifers to demonstrate their commitment to the national building standards performance objectives which form the basis of the Verification Performance Framework.  The Performance Framework sets out 3 core perspectives:

  1. Professional expertise and technical processes (KPO 1 and 2)
  2. Quality customer experience (KPO 3 and 4)
  3. Operational and financial efficiency (KPO 5, 6 and 7)

The Performance Report is updated annually to give the performance achieved by us against each of the Key Performance Objectives and Targets as set out in the Building Standards National Customer Charter.

Annual Performance Submission 2023-24 PDF 581.18 KB Download

National Customer Satisfaction Survey

Your views are important to us.  Please take a moment to share your experience of our Building Standards service in the national customer satisfaction survey for building standards.

Your feedback helps to create a better service for all our customers.