Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle



Online Payments

The online payment system is a cloud-based solution and is independent of the Comhairle network. Paying on-line is safe and secure.

Payments to the Comhairle can be made securely by accessing the following link: 

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar – Online Payments (

Direct Debits

The Comhairle will continue to collect Direct Debits on the normal pay dates, where payments have been collected previously. If you have set up a Direct Debit but have not had a revised bill detailing instalments to be paid by DD, then please pay by another method in the meantime.

If you have recently vacated a property and pay by Direct Debit, in order to prevent an overpayment, please cancel your Direct Debit directly with your bank. Any residual balances due to or from the Comhairle will be addressed once this is possible.

We can now accept new applications to pay by Direct Debit by completing the Direct Debit Instruction online form.

Other Available Payment Methods

  • Post office card payments can be made as normal.
  • By phone on 0300 323 0090
  • BACS transfer using the bank account details on the back of your bill.

Please note that you will need the account reference or invoice number on your most recent bill.  For Council Tax this is 9 digits starting with 500 eg. 500123456. For Non-Domestic Rates this is 9 digits starting with 430 eg. 430123456. For other invoices this normally starts with P followed by 6 digits eg P123456.


If you have any questions regarding this, then please email us at the relevant address: