St Brendan’s Care Home

A care home on Barra in the Western Isles.

St Brendan’s Care Home opened in January 1980 and is in Castlebay enjoying a sea facing view from the lounge/dining area and garden. It is joined to St Brendan’s Hospital, albeit a separate entity in terms of management and purpose sharing laundry, kitchen and housekeeping facilities. St Brendan’s Care Home supports 10 older people and is also able to provide respite/short breaks to one person.

Residents have single bedrooms with shared toilet/shower/bath facilities. There is a communal lounge and dining area where residents can congregate for communal activities and meals. Mealtimes are encouraged by staff to be sociable, unhurried and pleasant experiences for residents.

Residents are supported out of the home to attend community events and there is active engagement from individual members and community groups visiting St Brendan's Care Home. The planned activities are displayed on the activity calendar noticeboard to inform residents and visitors.

There is collaborative and partnership working with health and social care staff to ensure a responsive service is provided to the residents in accordance with their changing health care needs and staff are provided with the appropriate training to support the different needs of the residents.

The Care Home is non-denominational, and resident’s religious and spiritual needs are respected.

We recommend that you contact St Brendan’s direct to arrange a visit.  Mairi Campbell, Integrated Social Care Manager can be contacted by email This will enable you to ask further questions about the care home.  Our Assessment and Care Management colleagues can be contacted on 01851 822708 and Out of Hours (Faire) 01851 701702 and will be able to give you further information regarding the Assessment process, and Eligibility Criteria.

Integrated Social Care Manager
Mairi Campbell

United Kingdom

United Kingdom
