Comhairle nan Eilean Siar has today (20 March) placed statutory adverts in the press inviting comments on the Planning Application and Environmental Impact Assessment Report submitted by Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc (SSEN) to develop a 400kV AC Substation, an HVDC Converter Station, and the associated works including access roads on a site located south of the MacAulay Farm buildings and on the Arnish Moor.
The application documents and the EIA Report (reference 25/00061/PPPM) can be found on the Comhairle website. Paper copies are available to examine free of charge at the office of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Sandwick Road, Stornoway, Isle Of Lewis, HS1 2BW (Planning Tel No: 01851 822690) between 0900 and 1700, Monday to Friday, by prior appointment and at Stornoway Library, 6 Kenneth Street, Stornoway HS1 2DP during opening hours.
Any person who wishes to make representations about the EIA Report and/or Planning Application should make them in writing by email to or by letter to the Planning Service, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Sandwick Road, Stornoway, Isle Of Lewis, HS1 2BW by 19 April 2025.
Notwithstanding any comments that may have been submitted to SSEN at the Pre-Application Consultation stage, any representations to be considered in the assessment of the Planning Application should be made directly to Comhairle nan Eilean Siar as detailed above.