Following an amendment, unanimously approved by all Members, the proposed Council Tax increase of 8% was reduced to 7.5%.
A second amendment to reinstate the 11pm switch off for street lighting was also approved by Members.
Key Figures from the Comhairle’s Budget:
Initial Deficit - £6 million
Use of Reserves - £2 million
Savings from Services – £1.4 million
Additional Revenue Grant – £1.3 million
Council Tax Increase – 7.5% (Band D Rate - £1387.56)
In his budget speech Cllr Paul Steele, Leader of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar said:
“I am once again pleased to place before you and to recommend your approval of a balanced budget based on realistic and prudent financial planning, which balances use of reserves, external funding, council tax and sadly service reductions but which will sustain Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and with it the communities of the Western Isles for a further year. It is the product of hard work by the Budget and Strategy Board, Members and our Officers, and I commend it to you.”
In his speech Cllr Steele singled out new Education facilities for Barra and public sector reform as current areas of focus alongside the following list of priorities for the rest of this term of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar:
- Our renewable energy dividend
- Housing opportunities and innovation
- Gàidhlig, particularly in education and training
- Family friendly support, recognising the need for increased childcare provision to support families and support economic activity
- Connectivity enhancement
- Climate resilient infrastructure