This year the Santa’s used a new route to encourage more families to take part. The 3km route saw them start at the Lewis Sports Centre head past the front of the Nicolson, up Matheson Road, along Goathill Road, down Smith Avenue, past the all-weather pitch before finishing on the running track.
We were lucky that Father Christmas himself stopped of in Stornoway to get the Dash under way. A big thank you to Santa as we all know he is a very busy man at this time of year.
Thanks to the Cancer research team all Santa Dash participant were given a hot chocolate and a sweet at the finish where they met Father Christmas again before he flew off back to the North pole.
All funds raised will be going to the Local Branch of Cancer research UK, you can still donate online.

Sport and Health and ClubSport Lewis and Harris would like to that the following for helping make the dash a success - Alec and Lottie, Eddy Rogers, Lewis Macleod, Donald Oz Macleod, Cllr George Murray, Ashley, Catherine, Amy, Liz our MC and of course Father Christmas as well as all the participants.