Easter Motiv8 (Lewis and Harris)

Sport and Health are pleased to be offering sports activities for pre-school and primary children in the Easter Holidays in Lewis and Harris.


Tuesday 1 April - Friday 11 April 2025


Places are limited so booking is essential, visit the Lewis Sports Centre app to book. Bookings open Friday 28 March at 12 noon. If you require further information, please call the Lewis Sports Centre on 01851 822800.

If you are a Slàinte Mhath! member you receive a 50% discount on all activities.

If you are sending your children to sports activities for the first time or it has been a year since you last completed one, please ensure you complete the Medical and Consent form before attending any classes.

Children with additional support needs (ASN) are, as always, welcome at our events, please make us aware if any medical issues to ensure that your child’s sporting experience is a positive and fun one.