- ensure the Child Protection Committee maintains national, regional and local links
- ensure the Child Protection Committee has strong partnership links with other local public protection partnerships and the Chief Officers’ Group
- ensure the Child Protection Committee Improvement Plan supports other key Plans
The Child Protection Committee is developing its public-facing child protection website, which will contain a range of materials for children, young people and their families and also for practitioners and managers. It will also contain a range of key national and local practice guidance and information and advice leaflets.
Additionally, the Committee publishes an Annual Report, which details its partnership work throughout the year, including key strengths and areas for improvement, which is scrutinised by Chief Officers.
The Child Protection Committee also provides inter-agency child protection learning and development opportunities for staff, which are widely advertised.
The Child Protection Committee is chaired by an Independent Chair and is supported by a Lead Officer and a Clerical Assistant. At present, the Child Protection Committee meets quarterly or as required, in person or online. All meetings are minuted.
The work of the Child Protection Committee and its Child Protection Committee Improvement Plan is supported by three Standing Sub- Groups
- CPC Audit and Self-Evaluation Sub-Group (ASE);
- Learning and Development Sub-Group (L&D);
- Child Exploitation Sub-Group (CE)
All of these Child Protection Committee Sub-Groups have their own specific and detailed role, remit and responsibility.