Support for Children and Families

Support available and useful contacts

Most families experience difficulties and stress at some point in their lives. For some, help and support given at the right time can make all the difference. We provide a range of services to support children, young people and their families.

Some of the services provided include:

  • assessment and planning for children and families affected by disabilities;
  • an early intervention and prevention service for children and families experiencing  difficulties;
  • a service to support children involved in anti-social or youth offending behaviours;
  • a service to children assessed as vulnerable and in need of support and protection;
  • a service to Looked After Children, including those in Kinship Care, Foster Care and Residential Care;
  • providing a service to the Children’s Hearing System and to the Sheriff Court;
  • a service to young carers
  • a service to unaccompanied asylum seeking children

Useful Contacts

List of Useful Contacts
Contact Telephone
St Lennan's Centre, 22-24 Point Street, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis 01851 822 749
Lionacleit Education Centre, Liniclate, Benbecula 01851 822 749
Faire - Out of Hours Social Work 01851 701702
Police 101
NHS Western Isles, 37 South Beach, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis 01851 708029
Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration 0131 244 8398
Child Protection Co-ordinator 01851 822 749