Self-Directed Support

Information on Self Directed Support

Will I have to pay anything towards my support?

In most cases the Council will meet the majority of the costs for providing your support. During 2017 Social and Community Services will be implementing a new Non-Residential Contribution Policy which asks everyone who receives adult care services (with certain exemptions including Free Personal Care) to pay a contribution towards the total cost of their support. The amount you will be asked to contribute will be based on the cost of your whole support package and will depend on an assessment of your financial situation.

In most cases the Council will meet the majority of the costs for providing your support. During 2017 Social and Community Services will be implementing a new Non-Residential Contribution Policy which asks everyone who receives adult care services (with certain exemptions including Free Personal Care) to pay a contribution towards the total cost of their support. The amount you will be asked to contribute will be based on the cost of your whole support package and will depend on an assessment of your financial situation.

If any of these apply to your package of support this will be fully explained to you. You will be offered a Financial Assessment to ensure that you are not asked to pay more than you can afford. Even if no part of your support package currently attracts a contribution it is still worth asking for a Financial Assessment to be carried out as part of this check to make sure you are receiving all benefits and discounts you are entitled to, to maximise your income.