Household Waste Reycling Centres

Information on Household Waste Recycling Centres in the Western Isles

Restricted Vehicles Booking

Information on types of restricted vehicles and how to book.

Vehicles which must have a valid booking confirmation before arriving at our Household Waste Recycling Centres

If you are using a trailer, commercial or commercial like vehicle (e.g any vehicle that appears to or could be used for a trade or business or commercial purpose such as a van, pickup, commercial 4×4 or similar, including hired commercial vehicles), you will need to book a time slot through our online booking system and be in receipt of a valid confirmation of booking prior to arriving at any of our household waste recycling centres.

Vehicles which do not require a booking to use our Household Waste Recycling Centres

All residents using a car, estate car, people carrier, 4×4 or a campervan delivering household waste to any of our household waste recycling centres are not required to have a booking prior to their arrival at our sites, provided the vehicle does not appear to be used for a trade, business or commercial purpose.

Booking Systems

Creed Park

Creed Park Waste Recycling Centre Booking System

Rueval Benbecula

Rueval, Benbecula Waste Recycling Booking System