
Enrolment information for Primary, Secondary, Early Learning and Childcare.

Early Learning and Childcare Enrolment

Enrolment opens annually at the same time as for P1 for children due to start Early Learning and Childcare Centres for the autumn, spring and summer intakes.

Please note that online enrolment is not available for ELCs at the present time and information is included on the page about how parents can enrol their children for this service.

ELC enrolment for the new academic session is open for children and young people due to enter nursery in the 2025-26 academic year.

Enrolment opens annually at the same time as for P1 for children due to start Early Learning and Childcare Centres for the autumn, spring and summer intakes.

Please note that online enrolment is not available for ELCs at the present time and information is included on the page about how parents can enrol their children for this service.

ELC enrolment for the new academic session is open for children and young people due to enter nursery in the 2025-26 academic year.

Parents wishing to enrol in ELC/nursery should contact the setting directly and they will inform you of the arrangements for enrolling.

To complete enrolment, you will be required to present your child’s birth certificate to confirm:

  • Child’s full name as it appears on the certificate
  • Date of Birth
  • Names of all parents recorded on the certificate
  • Nurseries will be happy to discuss enrolment and answer any questions parents have prior to completion of the enrolment process

Eligibility for ELC/Nursery Enrolment 2025-26

Enrolment For the 2025-26 session, free nursery places are available for children who:

  • are 4 years of age and are not currently registered with a nursery
  • will be 3 years of age between 1 March 2025 and 28 February 2026
  • will be 2 years of age between 1 March 2025 and 28 February 2026 and whose parent(s)/carer(s) are in receipt of certain qualifying benefits.  (Further information on eligibility information is available on the MyGov.Scot website.

Eligibility for early learning and childcare throughout the year is as follows:

  • From the Autumn Term (Aug – Dec) – children born between 1 March and 31 August
  • From the Spring Term (Jan – March) – children born between 1 September and 31 December
  • From the Summer Term (April – June) – children born between 1 January and 28 February

All eligible children will have the choice of a term-time place of up to 30 funded hours per week (for 38 weeks of the year) or a full-year place of up to 22.5 funded hours per week (for 50 weeks of the year) dependant on availability.

Parents are invited to make contact with their chosen nursery from Friday 31st January and they will advise about completion of the enrolment process.

Gaelic First Policy

In all early learning, nursery and school enrolment, the Comhairle operates a Gaelic First Policy. This means that the default language stream for enrolment will be Gaelic Medium unless the choice is made during the enrolment process to opt for English Medium.

ELC Enrolment Enquiries

Email: earlyyearsenquiries@cne-siar.gov.uk