OHCPP Local Outcomes Improvement Plan

A requirement of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 is that a Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP) is produced to outline how community planning partners will work with communities to improve outcomes for individuals, families and communities.

Category Communities and Housing
Download the document OHCPP Local Outcomes Improvement Plan 2017-2027
Lead Service / Unit Chief Executive’s Department
Purpose The Plan (LOIP) outlines the key priorities that have been identified through a range of engagement processes and are based on the needs of our local communities with the aim to achieving improved outcomes across na h-Eileanan Siar.
Decisions Committee Outer Hebrides Community Planning Partnership (OHCPP) Board
Download minutes Approved 22 November 2017 by the Outer Hebrides Community Planning Partnership (OHCPP)
Review cycle 10 years
Additional Information Outer Hebrides Community Planning Partnership

Due to the cyber-attack experienced by the Comhairle on 7th November 2023 the minutes are currently unavailable. The webpage will be updated once content has been recovered or replaced with more up-to-date documents.