Climate Change Strategy

Climate Change Strategy 2022-2027

The Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Climate Change Strategy 2022-27 sets out how the Comhairle will work to decarbonise our own estate, assets, and services, as well as how we will work with partners to support the islands towards Net Zero, and to build resilience to the effects of a changing climate.

By making climate change integral to everything we do, and engaging with our employees and communities on climate change, the Comhairle aims to ensure that individuals, businesses, and other groups throughout the islands are empowered to act and equipped with the skills and knowledge to benefit from the opportunities, such as green jobs and improved quality of life, that a Just Transition to Net Zero can provide.

The Strategy seeks to provide strategic direction on climate change within the Comhairle and ensure that statutory obligations on climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation are met.

The Comhairle's strategic priorities on climate change align with national priorities, the Comhairle's Corporate Strategy 2022-27, and the Outer Hebrides Local Outcome Improvement Plan.

  • A Carbon Neutral Comhairle – We will demonstrate leadership by working to achieve Zero Direct Emissions by 2038 at the latest and reduce our indirect emissions as much as we can.
  • Net Zero Islands - The Comhairle will support the Western Isles to work towards Net Zero by 2045 through our services and partnership-working.
  • Climate Resilient Islands - The Comhairle will work with partners to improve Climate Resilience within the Comhairle and our services, and within the wider context of our islands.

Related Information

The Climate Change-Strategy Progress Report 2024 provides an update on progress achieved to-date in delivering the Climate Change Strategy.