Auditing Best Value
Audit Scotland, audits each local authority to ensure they are managing their finances to the highest standards and are achieving the best possible value for public money.
Councils have a statutory duty, introduced in the Local Government (Scotland) Act 2003, to make arrangements to secure Best Value.
Audit Scotland, audits each local authority to ensure they are managing their finances to the highest standards and are achieving the best possible value for public money.
A new Code of Audit Practice applies to public sector audits for financial years starting on or after 1 April 2022. It replaces the Code issued in May 2016. There are several significant changes introduced by the new Code, including the integration of Best Value work into wider scope audit work.
The Best Value audit work is now fully integrated into annual financial audit work to increase efficiency and reduce the scrutiny burden on councils. The work is reported in Annual Audit Reports, including annual risk based, follow-up and thematic Best Value work, providing judgements on the pace and depth of continuous improvements and service performance. The Comhairle’s Annual audit reports are submitted each year by the auditors to the Audit and Scrutiny Committee and to the Controller of Audit for Scotland.
The new programme of Best Value reports will cover all 32 councils, starting in October 2023 and concluding by the end of the audit appointments, in August 2027. The Controller of Audit will report to the Accounts Commission on each council’s performance on their duty of Best Value at least once over the five-year audit appointment.
The Best Value work now includes thematic work which will look at a focused area of Best Value across all 32 councils. The theme is reviewed and revised on an annual basis and is cognisant of the risks and challenges councils face. This work provides the Accounts Commission with the opportunity to offer a national overview of key aspects of Best Value as well as supporting accountability and improvement within individual councils to generate greater impact from the audit work. The Controller of Audit will bring an annual Assurance and Risks report to the Commission. This report will summarise the findings from all audit work, intelligence gathering and risk assessments undertaken across local government by auditors and scrutiny partners.
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Best Value Assurance Report 2022
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Best Value Thematic Report 22/23 - Leadership
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Annual Audit Report 22/23
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Best Value Thematic Report 23/24 – Workforce Innovation