Winter Campaign - Cost of Living Crisis

OHCPP Anti-Poverty Sub-Group - winter campaign on the cost of living crisis affecting the Western Isles.

Parental Employability Support Fund (PESF)

Information on the Parental Employability Support Fund (PESF).

Parental Employability Support Fund (PESF) is a Scottish Government funded programme.  It provides a more flexible and user-based model of delivery that supports parents into work as well as helping those already in work to increase their household income.

The programme provides Person-centred help for parents to address their barriers to work, which might include a lack of skills or work experience, health support, money advice, confidence building or motivational support.

The service includes:

Targeted support to help parents already in work through the provision of training and employability support to remain active in the workplace and gain progression through a rewarding career.

Confidential income and money advice which includes:

  • Benefit checks and help with any claim processes
  • Better off calculations
  • Help with debts, these can be a barrier to work
  • Creation of a bespoke budget for the family
  • Budgeting skills support to ensure long lasting effect
  • Funding for Qualifications
  • Funding for Sector Specific Certification
  • Volunteering, Work Experience and Work Trails
  • Support with job applications, developing a CV and preparing for an interview
  • In work support, mentorship support for the first 12 months of employment.

If you would like to find out how the Parental Employability Support Fund can help you, please email or telephone 01463 211801.