Contact Us

Contact us

Telephone Numbers

On-line forms and email addresses for service areas are secure and offer an alternative contact channel for enquiries. Please use these channels if possible as there is significant pressure on phone lines which are best served to support time critical enquiries.

Telephony Service area numbers can be busy and we would encourage the use of the online enquiries form before considering phoning. 

On-line forms and email addresses for service areas are secure and offer an alternative contact channel for enquiries. Please use these channels if possible as there is significant pressure on phone lines which are best served to support time critical enquiries.

Telephony Service area numbers can be busy and we would encourage the use of the online enquiries form before considering phoning. 

Online Enquiry Form

Customer Services:  01851 600501

  • Out of Hours:  01851 701702
  • Adult social care:  01851 822708
  • Children’s social care: 01851 822749
  • Education and schools:  01851 822729
  • Bins and recycling:  01851 822669
  • Market Stance: 01870 604998
  • Transport Enquiries:  01851 822661
  • Revenues & Benefits:  01851 822642
  • Planning:  01851 822690
  • Building control: 01851 822692
  • Recruitment:  01851 822606
  • Lewis Sports Centre:  0181 822800
  • Heritage Services:  01851 822746