Register of Interests
07 February 2025
Employed part-time by Western Isles Citizens Advice Bureau
Freelance journalist for the BBC
Freelance journalist for the BBC
Houses, Land and Buildings
Joint owner with wife of 19 Eoropie, Ness
House and Croft: 43 Habost, Ness (house which is rented out)
Land at Aird, South Dell, Ness
House and Croft: 43 Habost, Ness (house which is rented out)
Land at Aird, South Dell, Ness
Non-Financial Interest
Chairman: Lewis and Harris Auction Mart
Vice-Chairman: Lewis and Harris Football Association
Chairman: Eilean an Fhraoich Cup
Member: National Union of Journalists
Member: SNP
Member: Scottish Crofting Federation
Vice-Chairman: Lewis and Harris Football Association
Chairman: Eilean an Fhraoich Cup
Member: National Union of Journalists
Member: SNP
Member: Scottish Crofting Federation