Kenneth M Macleod

Register of Interests

1 August 2024
Eilean Glas Marine Ltd: 31 Outend, Scalpay, Isle of Harris, HS4 3YG
Company Director: Marine Tours, Commercial Maritime Training
Houses, Land and Buildings
31 Outend Scalpay Isle of Harris HS4 3YG House and Croft
Non-Financial Interest
Chair: Harris Development Ltd
Chair: Comunn Eachdraidh Scalpaigh
Vice Chair: Comann Dualchas Innse Gall RNLI Volunteer
Elder: Church of Scotland, Tarbert
Clerk: Scalpay Grazings Committee

The above Register details the interests which the member has declared under the Ethical Standards in Public Life etc (Scotland) Act 2000 (Register of Interests) Regulations 2003.