Community Led Local Development (CLLD)

Community Led Local Development is administered by a Local Action Group with funding made available by the Scottish Government.

Community Transport Network

Following on from a LAG-commissioned study into Rural Community Transport in 2022-23, the LAG have commissioned work towards establishing a Community Transport network in the Outer Hebrides which, as well as coordination and peer support, will offer expert input and advice on a range of relevant topics. As part of this, Driver Assessor Trainers (DATs) training will be offered locally which will enable participants to deliver MiDAS training in future.

Following on from a LAG-commissioned study into Rural Community Transport in 2022-23, the LAG have commissioned work towards establishing a Community Transport network in the Outer Hebrides which, as well as coordination and peer support, will offer expert input and advice on a range of relevant topics. As part of this, Driver Assessor Trainers (DATs) training will be offered locally which will enable participants to deliver MiDAS training in future.

This project strand will be delivered by the TAS Partnership in collaboration with the Community Transport Association Scotland and Lothian Community Transport Services.