Loan Terms
- Funding: Up to £50,000
- Repayment Period: Up to 7 years
- Interest: 4% fixed (unsecured) for loans up to £10,000 and 4% fixed (secured) 6% fixed (unsecured)- for loans above £10,000
- Security: Unsecured
- Capital Repayment Holiday: Discretionary – up to 6 months
- Level of Funding: Up to 50% of costs
- Funding: Up to £50,000
- Repayment Period: Up to 7 years
- Interest: 4% fixed (unsecured) for loans up to £10,000 and 4% fixed (secured) 6% fixed (unsecured)- for loans above £10,000
- Security: Unsecured
- Capital Repayment Holiday: Discretionary – up to 6 months
- Level of Funding: Up to 50% of costs