Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Athlete Travel Award Scheme

The Athlete Travel Award Scheme for October 2024 – April 2025 opens to applications from Monday 26th August 2024.
The application form and accompanying guidance can be found on the CNES website in the Sport & Health / Community Sports Hub section.
The Islands Athlete Travel Award Scheme allows Athletes from the Outer Hebrides the opportunity to access support for travel costs from the islands.
The aim of this scheme is to help elite pathway athletes from the Highlands & Islands to gain better access to competitive and developmental opportunities available on the mainland.
This is the 2nd application available for the 2024/25 period. On both occasions up to £750 will be made available to successful candidates.
Athletes who applied for the initial application (April – October 24) can also apply for this round, as long as they can provide evidence to support their application.
This round of applications must be submitted by 16th September 2024 and will be considered soon after.
The competition period being applied for is from 1st October 2024 – 1st April 2025


