Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Comhairle Supports Redundancy Response

Last week Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Skills Development Scotland, the wider Local Employability Partnership and local employers came together to provide Bakkafrost employees with employability support through the PACE Partnership.

Bakkafrost confirmed last month that they had begun redundancy consultation with 77 staff at their Marybank Processing Site. Through the partnership response these employees were offered employability advice, workshops and the chance to meet potential employers at a job fair.

The Job fair in Stornoway Town Hall saw over 20 local employers gather to discuss current and future job opportunities with some attendees offered jobs on the day.

Dolina Smith, Employability Services Manager, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, said:

“Redundancies of this scale present huge challenges for the local economy but most importantly are an incredibly stressful time for those impacted. Many of the individuals that the PACE Partnership has worked with since the redundancy announcement had been with Bakkafrost for an extended period of time and had not prepared a CV or engaged in any job applications since this employment. I’d like to thank the Local Employability Partnership and local employers for their engagement in the process and the Bakkafrost employees for their cooperation. We will continue to engage with these individuals with the aim of supporting each of them into new sustained employment or training.”

Cllr Duncan Macinnes, Depute Leader of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, who was present at the event, said:

“When we look at the impact of these redundancies it is important to consider the number of jobs lost in the context of the population of the area effected. To take 77 jobs away from Lewis and Harris is equivalent to the loss of more than 2000 jobs in Glasgow. A redundancy of this scale would have a huge impact on any community. Bakkafrost’s decision to make 77 people redundant without early notification or discussion with their employees, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar or other stakeholders has presented huge challenges locally.

“I’d like to take an opportunity to commend the community response led by the PACE partnership and local employers to support those impacted by this redundancy. I know that some of the Bakkafrost employees have already found new employment and hope that the discussions with employers on Friday will support others to do the same. These individuals are highly skilled and capable workers and I have no doubt that they will be an asset to their future employers. We cannot expect private multinational companies to have the same care for our communities as we do but we can always call for them to do better. This redundancy decision was not made overnight and I would again emphasise that Bakkafrost should have engaged with all stakeholders well in advance of any announcements.”

Partnership Action for Continuing Employment (PACE), plays an important role in the Government’s Economic Strategy, particularly around providing support to individuals facing redundancy situations.

Through providing skills development and employability support, PACE aims to minimise the time people affected by redundancy are out of work and to maximise opportunities for them to secure good jobs.


